Monday, April 16, 2012

Bison Whisperer

Trying to get a bison to co-operate for a photo is quite a challenge.
I was working with rancher Ivan Smith, who has gotten the reputation of being a bison whisperer, so I knew he'd help me get a few usable pix.
And also help me stay out of stomping range. Bison, or at least this group of bison, are particularly curious and when I would lay down in a few cow patties to get a fresh angle, Ivan would give me a heads-up when they wandered over for a sniff. I had to move quickly as some of the herd wanted to check me out. Having a 800 and some pound animal breathing over top of me wasn't something I needed to experience.

Here's the link to the story done by Calgary Herald colleague Meghan Potkins

Ivan Smith talks to Sarah on his Big Bend Bison ranch near Penhold, Alta.

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